December 31, 2018

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November 02, 2018

Round Ireland in Low Gear. Eric Newby.1987.

Old fashioned (1985) cycling touring yarn, as much about the whimsical Irish as the bike.

Cycling Home from Siberia. Rob Lilwall. 2009

If you thought the Surrey hills could be a bit nippy in winter this epic journey puts winter cycling into perspective.

Flying Scotsman, The Graeme Obree Story. 2004.

Maverick and much troubled Scottish cyclist who reinvented the bicycle to beat track records - and still riding sportives in Scotland.

Racing Through The Dark - the Fall and rise of David Millar. 2011.

David Millar's drug-fuelled rise to be a top cyclist - and demise once found-out, but then acceptance as a fierce anti-drugs campaigner.

January 01, 2018

Winged Wheel by William Oakley (1977), published by the CTC.

The history of the first hundred years of the Cyclists' Touring Club - 1878 to 1976. The book contains an abundance of fascinating detail about the origins, founding fathers, growth, and fluctuating fortunes of the CTC. The period from 1967 to 1976 is headed: Reawakening.

We await an engaged historian to document the following phase, perhaps opening with a chapter entitled: Decline and Fall at the Hands of the Marketeers and Vandals from Charitocratia,  yet culminating in a New Awakening. Who knows?

Warning to snowflakes:
This book may appeal only to a limited readership.
